

靠谱的滚球平台协助委员会成员, LAC志愿者, and LAP staff regularly present programs to educate D.C. 酒吧里的成员, 评委和学生的健康问题, 成瘾和心理健康症状, outline the confidential services of the LAP, and allow volunteers to share their experiences with past problems and how they overcame them. Some of those programs are recorded and made available for the benefit of the D.C. 酒吧里社区.


June 11, 2024 - "Man-Up:" An Honest Conversation 关于 Men's Mental Health

Although you probably don’t hear most men openly discussing their mental health very often, the lack of conversation doesn't mean they are coping well. 加入D.C. 周二,酒吧LAP员工和志愿者, June 11th at 2pm EDT for an honest conversation about the manifestation of emotional di压力 in men’s bodies and minds, strategies to combat stigma and obstacles to seeking help. Together we can break the silence and address our collective role in encouraging men to let down their guard and focus on well-being.



An Honest Conversation about Alcohol: Navigating Holidays and CelebrationsAn Honest Conversation about Alcohol: Navigating Holidays and Celebrations

The holiday season is often intertwined with alcohol use; in fact, 研究表明,酗酒的情况有所增加. 对于一些, the holidays can mean 压力ful family gatherings, 孤独和孤立, or strain caused by financial and economic difficulties. For others, it might be a time of celebration and frequent social gatherings. It can be challenging for someone in recovery or striving to moderate their alcohol use. 无论你经历了什么, join the 靠谱的滚球平台援助计划 for a conversation on navigating this time of year.



这个程序, 这是我们“诚实对话”系列的一部分, 继续关于界限的对话, 它们是什么?, 为什么它们很重要, and how to start the process of setting them.



An Honest Conversation 关于 What Perfectionism is Costing YouAn Honest Conversation 关于 What Perfectionism is Costing You (March 2023)

这个程序, 这是我们“诚实对话”系列的一部分, explores perfectionism versus striving for excellence - where does one end and the other begin?


关于悲伤的诚实对话It’s a New Year but Nothing is New: An Honest Conversation 关于 How to Get Unstuck (2023年1月)
Almost three years ago, the whole world ground to a halt. Even though things have shifted and begun to open up, some of us are understandably still feeling stuck. 我们可能仍在努力寻找动力, 难以集中注意力, or experience feelings of emptiness or numbness. While we may have a desire for change, we are struggling in what feels like a three-year-old rut. 如果这引起共鸣, please view this conversation on how to shift from stagnation to action as we begin the new year.


关于悲伤的诚实对话关于悲伤的诚实对话: Life is Messy, So Is Loss (2022年11月)
Grief is an uncomfortable conversation and a necessary one. 在这次坦诚的谈话中, 我们将探索悲伤是什么样子, 人们悲伤的各种方式, 除了死亡之外的各种损失, and ideas for how to support those grieving.


Thriving Not Just Surviving: Boundary Setting In PracticeThriving Not Just Surviving: Boundary Setting In Practice (2022年10月)
This presentation was produced as a Lunch and Learn seminar for the D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台执业管理咨询服务. 它探讨了为什么, 当, 又如何坚定, clear boundaries to help you take care of yourself, 找到一种控制感, 增强你的情绪健康.


筑篱笆,而不是筑墙:筑篱笆,而不是筑墙: A Conversation on Boundaries (2022年7月)
本节目探讨了为什么, 当, 又如何坚定, clear boundaries to help you take care of yourself, 找到一种控制感, 增强你的情绪健康 during this tumultuous time.

边界评估 –  什么是个人界限 –  健康界限的小贴士


压力, 喝, Leave: An Examination of Gender-Specific Risk Factors for Mental Health Problems and Attrition Among Licensed Attorneys压力, 喝, Leave: An Examination of Gender-Specific Risk Factors for Mental Health Problems and Attrition Among Licensed Attorneys (2021年5月)
In 2020, the California Lawyers Association and D.C. 酒吧 participated in a first of its kind research project aimed at uncovering personal and workplace risk factors for mental health and substance use problems among practicing attorneys. In this presentation attorney mental health and well-being expert 帕特里克磷虾 他的研究合著者, Dr. 贾斯汀安加, provided a revealing look at what they found related to mental health, 喝, 压力, 磨损的意图, and gender disparities associated with each. 了解更多


Building Resilience During Challenging TimesBuilding Resilience During Challenging Times (2021年1月)
这个程序 was produced as a Lunch and Learn seminar for the D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台执业管理咨询服务. During this program participants learned evidence-based practices for building resilience to cope with adversity, 适应变化, 克服挑战.
